



林尼西牧師自1991年8月起,即任職於恩友堂為英文部牧師。他畢業於印第安納州Grace Theological Seminary。他來自美國的中西部,與妻子Margaret育有四個子女:Caleb,James,Jonathan 和 Rebecca。6個漂亮的孫子孫女,讓身為祖父母的他們引以為傲。林尼西牧師享受和孫子們歡樂共處的時光,也喜歡騎摩托車。他的二兒子James於2019年4月2日因沃爾夫帕金森懷特綜合症過世,當他的心臟突然停止跳動時,他才剛滿30歲。林尼西牧師和妻子感謝恩友堂的弟兄姊妹們給予他們的愛和支持。”不是我,乃是基督在我裡面活”是可以表達他心聲的詩歌之一。他經常想到永恆,並感謝神所賜給他的救恩,因為耶穌基督是世界的希望。詩篇65:5說,”拯救我們的神啊!祢必以威嚴秉公義應允我們。祢本是一切地極,和海上遠處的人所倚靠的。”

Pastor Nelson Lin has been the English pastor of DCFC since August of 1991. He is a graduate of Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. Originally from the Midwest, he and his wife Margaret have four children: Caleb, James, Jonathan, and Rebecca. As proud grandparents, they have 6 beautiful grandchildren. Nelson enjoys playing with his grandchildren and riding his motorcycle. His second son James passed away on April 2, 2019, from Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome when his heart suddenly stopped. He had just turned 30. Nelson and Margaret are thankful for the DCFC church family and for all the love and support they have shown. One of the songs that speak to his heart is “Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me.” He often thinks of eternity and is grateful for his salvation because Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. Psalm 65:5 says, “O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas . . .”