

恩友堂青少年社區服務事工是教會青少年事工的一部分。 這個事工讓青少年們通過服務本地社區 里有需要的人群從而有一個實踐自己的信仰的機會。 本教會的青少年大多來自於中產階級家庭。 平時接觸的是自己和自己好朋友的家庭,學校,和教會。 對於自己熟悉的環境之外的人群基本沒 有概念。 也不知道如何能給與周圍有需要的人群以説明。 很多人想遵行耶穌的教導“愛你的鄰舍”, 但不知道如何去做。

2018 年恩友堂的幾位同工看到了青少年們的這個需求,和教會的青少年部牧師配搭,開始了青少 年社區服務事工的嘗試。 這個事工以開闊青少年的視野和實踐耶穌的教導為目的,採取家長和青 少年們一起同工,參與本地現有的基督教社區福利機構的事工的方式,來服務本地有需要的人群。 這個事工在疫情期間停止了一年半的時間。 2021 年 10 月又從新開始。 現在我們每個月一次 固定出隊。 和 Grace Bridge Food Bank 以及 Metro Relief 這兩個基督教福利機構合作,服務達拉斯 本地的人群。


Our goal is to get our congregation reconnected in-person after an entire year of absence from each other as well as with our community. Faith must be lived out, so we have provided 5 activities for each Fellowship or small group to consider getting involved with. These 5 activities provide our groups an opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder together while impacting our community in a positive way for Christ. We are hoping that 10 individuals from each Fellowship or small group would consider getting involved in one of these 5 activities provided below.


  1. Feed My Starving Children – This outreach is a lot of fun for any group who decides to be involved. This outreach is indoors and is perfect for a group of 10. Weekdays are easier to schedule especially from 3-5pm and your group will know exactly how many meals are packed for children in need. (fmsc.org)
  1. Plano Clean up – This outreach is perfect for those who would like to be outdoors. The City of Plano will provide all the supplies needed. The best part of this outreach is the fact that you can choose which site to clean as a group. (https://tx-plano4.civicplus.pro/497/Community-Cleanup)
  1. Placing/Removing Flags – This outreach is outdoors related and it is held at the DFW National Cemetery. Volunteers are need to place American flags in front of each veteran’s tombstone for Memorial Day (May 30th from 9am to 11am). Flags will need to be removed the following Saturday (June 5th from 9am to 11am). Please contact Pastor Nelson directly and he will set up this outreach for your group. He will also personally drive the church van for those who want to car pool.
  1. College Cleanup – If your fellowship or small group know of any senior citizens who aren’t able to get out to do their yard work this Spring, please send their contact information to Pastor Nelson. We will gather a group of college volunteers to assist with the clean-up.
  1. Project Linus(愛之家兒童青少年服務) – This outreach is perfect for youth and their parents. This activity will be held at DCFC, either in the Centrum or outdoors if the weather is nice. (https://www.projectlinus.org/) 



聯繫Pastor Nelson: nelson4kids@yahoo.com

對項目5: Project Linus有興趣?

點擊報名愛之家Project Linus